News: Vanhoenacker beats the world record, Results for IM Austria; Korea and ForrestMan, Challenge Roth and IM Switzerland are coming up, Team Commerzbank to lose sponsorship.
This Weeks Discussion: The legend that is Chrissie Wellington is racing this weekend at Challenge Roth. What time do you predict she will do? John thinks 8:16 and Bevan 8:24. Comment here
This Weeks Photo: Kat in Austria
High 5: Jared Walbridge sent through a great High 5 on non-training things to do in your taper period. This one is worth checking out.
Website of the Week: This weeks website is It's Matt Long's foundation that helps people with illness or traumatic injury move towards having fitness in their life. If you are doing a race and want to fund raise this is a great foundation to support.
This Weeks Websites: Jason Bailey's interview with Ben Bright, Outside mag's drug piece.