News: Results, IMSA coming up, Challenge heading to the UK.
Discussion of the Week: From Kev Brock, Should there be discretionary spots for Kona so some pro athletes don’t have to qualify?
Age Grouper of the Week: Lavinia Gordon nominated her husband Ian Gordon as age grouper of the week. He has a fairly demanding job but still manages to train the house down. He has been doing triathlon for about five years and during that time has encouraged me to progress from twice-a-week-around-the-park runner to wannabe Ironman (I hope to do my first one this December, naturally I'm following the John Newsom (trademark) plan). He raced Ironman China on March 14th. He was very sick about two days before the race (either food poisoning or from swimming in the river - quite a few athletes were very sick). Despite vomiting for most of the two days before, he still raced. During the race he thanked the volunteers, stopped to offer assistance to an athlete in trouble on the bike course and powered through the marathon despite the fact that he hadn't been able to keep food down for the entire race. He is also a dedicated IMTalk listener. Ian Gordon
Website of the Week: Kanina Roberts sent in this weeks website about a guy who wants to do a round the world triathlon:
Questions and Answers: Jay Waters asked about long sessions and Jim Breen told us about TriGrandPrix.